Health Insurance

Employers and employees have the same concerns: "What will become of my family and loved ones after I'm gone?"

Will they be able to maintain their current standard of living? Will their children be able to attend college? And what about retirement plans? A life insurance plan from TIA will give your employees the peace of mind knowing that the special people in their lives won't have to deal with any financial burdens in the event of their deaths.

Life insurance plans give employees the means to provide their beneficiaries with financial security after they've passed.

TIA provides employers with the following types of life insurance for their employees


Term Life Insurance is the most basic form of employer paid life insurance. It's inexpensive and easy to get no medical exams or questionnaires are required. Term life insurance pays a death benefit only.


Whole life insurance policies have the potential to earn dividends, adding to the value of the policy while the insured is still living and increasing the death benefit for their beneficiaries. Whole life insurance is more expensive than term life insurance, because it covers the policy holders for the rest of their life.


Universal life insurance plans offer you and your employees the flexibility to adjust premiums and death benefits. A Universal life insurance plan includes features like guaranteed protection and cash value accumulation.e


A variable universal life insurance plan gives its holders the flexibility to adjust their policy according to their needs. With a VUL policy you and your employees can invest the funds into stocks and bonds, growing the value of the plan while you are alive and providing increased death benefit to beneficiaries.

A quality life insurance policy will enable you to continue to care for your loved ones even after you're gone. TIA wants to make sure you get the most beneficial life insurance plans for yourself and your employees. Contact us to schedule a consultation with one of our representatives. As an independent insurance agency, we can offer you the widest selection of plans at competitive prices. We make it easy for you and your employees to guarantee the financial security of your beneficiaries after you're gone.

Good dental plans, like those available through Tech Insurance Agency (TIA),Agency Inc., save employers money in the long run.

Maintain a healthy smile with quality dental insurance coverage

Everyone wants a healthy attractive, smile. Daily brushing and flossing, a healthy diet and regular dental checkups are the best ways to maintain a beautiful smile and prevent minor dental problems from becoming major health issues. Serious conditions, such as heart disease and diabetes, can often be identified in their early stages through regularly scheduled oral screenings.

TIA Dental Insurance will keep your employees smiling with affordable, comprehensive dental insurance from some of the best dental insurance providers on the market. Our knowledgeable staff and superior customer support will guarantee your employees are satisfied with the service they get from us.

We offer these group dental plans to your employees:

Dental Maintenance Organization (DMO)
Preferred Provider Organization (PPO)
Participating Dental Network (PDN)
Dental Indemnity Plans

Let us help keep that smile on your face

Dental coverage is an important part of any employer healthcare benefits package. Employees use their dental insurance more than any other kind of insurance. Regular care and maintenance are the keys to maintaining good oral health and preventing serious medical conditions that result in higher insurance costs for everyone. Make dental insurance a part of your employee benefits plan. TIA provides competitive and flexible dental plans to employers who want to give their employees access to the finest dental coverage plans available.

We have a plan that's sure to put a smile on your face.


Health insurance is a critical factor for businesses to help get and recruit employees and sustain productivity and satisfaction. TIA offers a range of group health insurance options designed to help your business save money and support your employees' health and well-being.

Group health insurance plans are a form of employer-sponsored health coverage. Costs are typically shared between the employer and the employee, and coverage may also be extended to dependents. In certain states, self-employed persons without other employees may qualify for group health insurance plans.

Affordable Group Employee Health Care

Tech Insurance Agency shows you how easy it is to get health insurance for your company and employees. We're a nationally rated insurance company, with a reputation for superior customer service and providing cost effective healthcare plans to employees all over the US.

We're here to provide support and answer any questions you and your employees may have. We make getting coverage easy.

Being an independent insurance company allows us to shop around and get your employees the best deals available in the healthcare marketplace.

Contact us today and let us show you the many options available when it comes to getting quality healthcare benefits for your employees.

We represent the following Top Group insurance carriers for IT companies.


With a health maintenance organization (HMO) health plan, employees pick a primary care physician. All their health care services go through a single office. Going through a single primary care provider results in lower health care costs.

A Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) health plans give your employees access to a network of participating health care providers " doctors, specialists, hospitals, etc. " that have come together to provide medical services for discounted fees.

A Point of Service (POS) plan combines features of both HMO and PPO plans. Employees can select a network physician as their primary care provider or they can go outside the network for their health care needs. Benefit levels vary, depending on whether employees receive health care in or out of the insurance company's network of providers. Employees save money if they choose a physician from within the network; going outside the network could result in higher out of pocket expenses.

A Health Savings Account (H S A) is a savings account that employees can use to pay for a wide range of medical expenses. Like an IRA, money contributed to the H S A earns interest and (up to a certain limit) is not subject to federal income taxes. Account balances are rolled over from year to year.


For us humans, sight is the most important of our five senses. To say that visual impairments can have a negative impact on a person's ability to perform their jobs is an understatement.

Vision insurance a clear choice

Unfortunately, blindness and other types of vision impairment are a common disability in the United States. Many factors, especially age, can have an impact on a person's vision. Regular visits to an optometrist are crucial to maintaining healthy vision. To help reduce employer and employee costs for vision care, TIA provides access to low cost, comprehensive vision insurance plans.

TIA' vision insurance plans offer many benefits including:

  • A comprehensive eye health exam every year with low copayment
  • Savings on new eyewear get the latest styles!
  • Choose your own optometrist or select one from our network
  • Savings on replacement glasses and frames
  • Special deals for contact lenses
  • Discounts for Lasik eye surgery
  • Excellent administrative support
  • A wide variety of coverage plans to select from

A recent Kaiser Foundation survey revealed that almost one quarter of all US adults have experienced problems paying for healthcare, or know someone who has. If that wasn't bad enough, medical bills are the cause of sixty percent of all bankruptcies in the United States.

Some insurance policies may only cover a portion of an employee's overall medical costs. The expenses that aren't covered can add up quickly, resulting in significant out-of-pocket expenses for your employeessometimes more than they can afford.

GAP Insurance for controlling out-of-pocket costs

Today's employers are seeking health plan options that enable them to control insurance costs while providing the best coverage for their employees. "Gap" insurance plans are designed to bridge the gap between what an employee's insurance pays and the total costs for healthcare. Gap insurance helps towards paying the out-of-pocket expenses that can strain already tight household budgets to the breaking point.

Let TIA fill the GAP

TIA offers gap protection insurance to compliment you and your employees' regular health care insurance plans. Gap Insurance is a relatively new type of insurance that some employers aren't familiar with. We can provide you with all the information you'll need to make an informed choice when it comes to selecting a gap insurance plan for you and your employees. And we support and help our clients if the need to process a claim.

Contact TIA to schedule a free consultation. Our agents are here to show you how a gap insurance plan can help you and your employees deal with unexpected out-of-pocket medical expenses.

Need help? Reach out to support 24/7:


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